Students work hard to earn their place at UCD because they know that a great education matters. It holds the key to rewarding career paths, stronger communities, and a fairer and more sustainable future. However, for some students, determination, ability and boundless potential are not always enough to overcome the social and financial barriers they face. Fortunately, there is an incredible community of alumni and philanthropic supporters who are wholeheartedly invested in levelling the playing field so that brilliant young people from all backgrounds have the opportunity to flourish and succeed at UCD.
Some alumni retain strong ties to their School or College, and choose to give back by donating to a College Support Fund. These flexible funds are allocated where they are most needed to enhance the student experience, supporting scholarships, internship bursaries, and experiential learning opportunities, as well as emergency assistance for students experiencing financial hardship.
Many others – more than 4,000 alumni – are proud UCD Champions who support UCD and our students by donating regularly through the annual giving programme. Their generosity helps make UCD a great place to study and enriches students’ social and academic lives in so many ways – supporting scholarships, sports and cultural activities, UCD Library and Writing Centre, mental health services, and a host of other initiatives. Every donor has their own reasons for choosing to support UCD students. Kate Drinane was motivated by a sense of gratitude and social justice.

“It’s about knowing your support will help not just the individual but our society as a whole”
“When I was a student I was lucky to be supported by my parents and to have a weekly allowance. Knowing that I had somewhere to lay my head at night removed a lot of stress and concern. On an individual level, it’s all about empowering students and helping someone afford books, accommodation and basic necessities. On a macro level, it’s about having regard for others and making sure that people have equal opportunities regardless of their status or background. It means that we can have a more diverse workforce and a better educated society. It’s about knowing your support will help not just the individual but our society as a whole.”
The past year has been extremely challenging for many of us, trying to make ends meet amid the spiralling costs of food, energy and accommodation. We are sincerely thankful for the loyalty and generosity of our alumni and friends, who continue to give what they can to ensure that our students receive meaningful support when they need it most. We value and appreciate every gift, no matter how small, and every cent donated goes directly to the donor’s chosen cause. The collective impact of our giving community is enormous, and so is our gratitude to each and every one of our wonderful supporters.
■ To learn more about how you can support UCD students today, visit